B2B Company Credit - Magento 2

B2B Company Credit - Magento 2

Magento 2 B2B Company Credit helps encourage sales by offering credit as a payment method to the customers you trust. With the present extension admins are able to enable paying on credit to selected customers and groups of customers, stipulating essential credit controls like the maximum sum of purchase and etc. Furthermore, they are able to set the limit of the credit, and later track and manage the credit balance of the customer. Admins set credit limits in the base currency, and customers see them in the currency of their store view. Thus the module allows for automatic conversion of currencies. Finally, Company Credit supports automatic email notifications on various operations with the given credit. 

The module integrates with Aheadworks M2 Company Accounts, Payment Restrictions, and One Step Checkout.    

Compatibility: Magento Open Source 2.3.X - 2.4.X, Magento Commerce 2.3.X - 2.4.X 

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