Help Desk Ultimate - Magento 2

Help Desk Ultimate - Magento 2

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Magento 2 Help Desk Ultimate effectively arranges operations with customer tickets. Tickets can be created by customers from the dedicated account area, contact form, email, or by admins from the backend by assigning tickets to individual departments or support agents. Additionally, the module automates recurring tasks, including ticket status changing and agent/department assignments.   

Compatibility: Magento Open Source 2.3.X, Magento Commerce 2.3.X

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Installing M2 Help Desk Ultimate

Command Line Installation

1. Backup your web directory and store database

2. Download the Help Desk Ultimate installation package

 3. Upload the contents of the Help Desk Ultimate installation package to your store root directory

 4. In the SSH console of your server, navigate to your store root folder:

cd path_to_the_store_root_folder

run the following command:

php -f bin/magento module:enable Aheadworks_Helpdesk


php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade


php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

5. Flush the store cache; log out from the backend and log in again

Make sure the installation is done from the FTP administrator account. Otherwise, set 775 permissions to the store root directory after the extension is deployed.

Composer Installation

If you are installing an extension from Aheadworks for the first time, you need to add our composer repository to your Magento store:

1. Login to your ssh console and navigate to your store folder:

cd path_to_the_store_root_folder

Run the following command:

composer config repositories.aheadworks composer https://dist.aheadworks.com/

After the command was executed successfully, you can use the composer to install the products.

To install the actual product:

2. Login to your ssh console and navigate to your store folder:

cd path_to_the_store_root_folder

 3. Run the following command to install the latest version of the extension:

composer require aheadworks/module-helpdesk

if you need to install a specific version, run this command:

composer require aheadworks/module-helpdesk:<version>

Specify the desirable extension version in <version>

When prompted, enter Public Key (Username) and Private Key (Password):

Both Public Key (Username) and Private Key (Password) can be found in the Composer Access page in your personal account on our site:
Note that the password will not be displayed for security reasons.

4. Enable the extension:

php -f bin/magento module:enable <Module_Name>

Add the product name in <Module_Name>

Next, register the extension:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Recompile your Magento store if you are in the Production mode:

bin/magento setup:di:compile

To verify that the extension is enabled, run this command:

bin/magento module:status

Clean store cache, by running the following command:

bin/magento cache:clean

Log out and Log in the backend again.

To upgrade the extension:

5. To update or upgrade an extension:

Download the updated extension file. Take note of the module-name and version. Export the contents to your Magento root.

If a composer package exists for the extension, run one of the following.

Update per module name:
composer update aheadworks/module-helpdesk
Updater per version:
composer require aheadworks/module-helpdesk:<version>

Run the following commands to upgrade, deploy, and clean the cache.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Migrating tickets from Magento 1

Read carefully and consider this information of top priority. Otherwise, it might result in an accident data loss.

The version 1.2.0 of Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 2 introduces the ticket migration tool. The tickets accumulated with Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 1 can be flawlessly migrated to Magento 2.

To migrate the tickets, follow the steps below:

  1. Magento Data Migration Tool is required to be installed prior to starting the migration.
    The migration script relies heavily on the Magento Data Migration tool. Understanding how it works will be useful during the migration process.
  2. Backup the Magento 2 databases before the migration to have an opportunity to revert any changes.
    Ticket migration might involve rewriting database tables, backup is advised.
  3. Tickets can only be migrated from the M1 Help Desk Ultimate 3.x.x version. If you have the previous versions installed, do not attempt migrating tickets on your own.
  4. Department website is defined by the Magento 1 extension settings. Store and Website IDs should concur.
    If departments are set to all store views, then they will be assigned to all Magento 2 store views.
  5. Department gateway password cannot be migrated.
  6. Ticket statuses are migrated according to the following pattern:
    New + Open > Open;
    Closed > Solved;
    Waiting for a customer > Pending. 
  7. Ticket priorities are migrated according to the following pattern:
    Urgent + ASAP > High;
    To do > Normal;
    If Time > Low.
  8. Order information related to the ticket will only be migrated if there is an order with the same increment_id in the Magento 2 database.
  9. Help Desk agents in the migrated tickets are identified by an email address. If there are no admin users created with the same Magento 2 email address, then the migrated tickets will have the name of the Help Desk agent. However, these tickets will not be assigned to an agent.
  10. Customer information is migrated in full, except for the cases when there are no customers with the same email address on the Magento 2 store.
  11. Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 1 tickets can contain HTML tags that will be deleted upon migration.
  12. Tickets deleted from Magento 1 cannot be transferred to Magento 2.

1. Install the Data Migration Tool following the instructions.

2. Copy the contents of the data-migration-tool 2.1.x/ folder in the installation package of Help Desk Ultimate to the vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/ folder if you work with version 2.1 of Magento. Transfer the contents of the data-migration-tool 2.2.x/ folder to the vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/ folder if your store is based on Magento 2.2.x., do relevant operations for Magento 2.3.x.

3. Navigate to vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/aw_hdu3/ and open config.xml for edit.

More information on tag values can be found in the Magento Data Migration Tool configuration instructions.
<source> - the database from which you will migrate tickets.
<destination> - the database to which you will migrate tickets.

4. Copy the media/aw_hdu3/ folder with ticket attachments of Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 1 to the pub/media/tmp/aw_hdu3/ folder of Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 2

If there are no attachments, create an empty pub/media/tmp/aw_hdu3/ folder.

If there is no pub/media/tmp/aw_hdu3/ folder, the migration process will be canceled with a warning message "Attachments folder does not exist!"

5. Run the migration process from the console:

bin/magento migrate:data -r vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/aw_hdu3/config.xml

6. Ticket migration is completed.

Set up cron

The Help Desk Ultimate extension uses cron to insert emails from the gateway into the tickets and send notification emails to customers.

If you have already configured cron jobs for your Magento installation, then you can skip this step. Read the following instructions on setting cron job for your Magento store: Magento user guide.

Generally, it will be enough to run in the SSH console of your server the following command: 

crontab -e

And insert the following line:  

*/3 * * * * php -c <ini-file-path> <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento cron:run
*/3 * * * * php -c <ini-file-path> <your Magento install dir>/update/cron.php
*/3 * * * * php -c <ini-file-path> <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento setup:cron:run

Don't forget to confirm saving request when exit.

Introducing M2 Help Desk Ultimate

The Help Desk Ultimate extension for Magento 2 helps arrange a customer support center in a web store. Customers get able to create, submit and manage issues to the customer care department, and the help desk agents get able to do the following:

  • Ticket automation, including sending emails to customers/agents, ticket status/priority updating, reassigning tickets to other agent/department;
  • Detailed ticket processing page with the key ticket/customer info, ticket and purchase history, and message area (internal note and canned response support included);
  • Sending individual tickets to CC recipients (from the ticket processing page);
  • Coupon code generation right from the ticket processing page (provided by the Coupon Code Generator integration).

Extension Logic

The extension streamlines the customer ticket management process. Tickets are located at the ticket grid and can be assigned to a particular help desk agent/department. Help desk agents/departments can reply to tickets, set ticket priority, assign tickets to orders, etc. Finally, ticket control can be partially automated thanks to the automation feature that allows automatically sending notifications, changing ticket priority, etc. depending on the conditions and actions set.

What's New?

As of version 1.5.0  the Help Desk module for Magento 2 allows customer care agents design a base of responses to most generic issues that could be raised by customers, and later use these texts as quick replies when processing tickets.

As of version 1.6.0 the extensions supports OAuth, open-standard authorization protocol, to enable Gateway to access Google Suite applications. 

Known Issues

Please note that for the time being files attached to ticket messages are not displayed in the Customer's mailbox. This feature will become available as of version 2.0.0 of the Help Desk Ultimate extension.  

Reference List

  • Automation - a scheme with a set of conditions that dictates how the extension should behave on certain occasions;
  • Email gateway - an email address associated with the Help Desk Ultimate extension which is used to receive customer inquiries and send emails to both customers and administrators.
  • Email template - a predefined email message;
  • Canned response - a prearranged generic response to an issue available for quick reply to a ticket, due alterations made.
  • Help desk agent - an admin user eligible to answer help desk tickets;
  • Ticket - a customer inquiry submitted via the contact form, the 'Help Desk Ultimate' section, or direct email to the extension's gateway;
  • Ticket thread - a block containing all customer and help desk agent messages regarding a particular ticket.

Help Desk for Magento 2 On Frontend

Customer Area

To submit a ticket from the store front, go to the Customer Account area (My account > Help Desk).

The Help Desk section allows creating and browsing tickets created by the customer. The page shows a grid with the following columns:

  • ID - an individual number of a ticket used for identification purposes;
  • Subject - the subject of the ticket;
  • Order - the ID of the order the ticket relates to;
  • Status - the status of the ticket:
    • Open -  customer's reply is required;
    • Pending - administrator's reply is awaited;
    • Solved - the ticket issue was resolved.
  • Last Reply - the date of the latest reply to the ticket (from either the customer or store administrator).

Ticket subject and order ID are active links. By clicking on an order ID, the customer is redirected to the 'My Orders' section showing the corresponding order info.

Clicking on the Subject, the customer is redirected to the corresponding ticket thread (see below).

The Ticket Thread lists all the customer's and store administrator's messages arranged by the date of sending (in the descending order). This is where customers reply to the admin's messages with or close the ticket if assistance is no longer required and/or the issue is resolved.

Submitting a Ticket

The Help Desk Ultimate extension for Magento 2 introduces multiple ways of submitting a ticket by a customer.

Customer Account Area

First, customers can open a ticket in the 'Help Desk' section in the customer area. Do so by clicking on the blue Create Ticket button in the top right of the Help Desk page in My Account.

The 'Create New Ticket' form is suggested to the customer requesting the following information:

  • Subject - the subject of the ticket to identify the issue;
  • Department - a folding list with Help Desk thematic units to choose from to specify the type of the inquiry (departments are created on the backend);
  • Order - a folding list of IDs relating to orders previously created by the customer (pick out the one the ticket inquiry refers to);
  • Message - the description of the issue;
  • Attachments - the Add file active link to upload (optionally) a file as an attachment to the inquiry (to illustrate the issue, for example).

After the issue is described, click 'Submit Ticket'. Should all mandatory fields be filled-in, the page will be reloaded, and a notification on successful submission shown: 

Please note that for the time being files attached to ticket messages are not displayed in the Customer's mailbox. This feature will become available as of version 2.0.0 of the Help Desk Ultimate extension.  

Contact Us Form

Another option for a customer to submit a ticket is the native Magento 'Contact Us' form. The extension fetches all the messages customers leave in the 'Contact Us' form and inserts them into tickets.

When installed, the Help Desk Ultimate extension disables native Magento notifications sent to the store administrator when a customer leaves a message in the 'Contact Us' form.

Instead, all messages left via the 'Contact Us' form are inserted into the tickets, and notifications are sent using the automation settings of the extension.

Direct Email

In addition to the customer account section and the 'Contact Us' form, customers can submit tickets by emailing messages directly to the Help Desk Ultimate gateway(s).

If a message is sent from the address, used on registration of the account, Help Desk Ultimate will 'recognize' the customer and automatically associate the message with a ticket within the given customer account.

If automatic notifications are enabled, customers can directly reply to notification emails sent by the admin.

The logic behind associating email replies with the tickets is the following:

  • if the subject of the email contains no ticket ID, a new ticket will be created;
  • if the subject of the contains the ID of an existing open ticket, a reply will be added to the ticket thread;
  • if the subject of the email contains the ID of the existing solved ticket, a new ticket will be created.

Help Desk for Magento 2 On Backend

General Settings

Once installed, the Help Desk Ultimate extension introduces its configuration section to Stores > Configuration > AHEADWORKS EXTENSIONS > Help Desk Ultimate. There you can select help desk agents to be eligible to respond to tickets. If none agent is selected, then all admin users will become agents.

Learn more on how to create new users in a Magento 2 store - Adding Users / Official Magento 2 Manual

Managing Departments

The Departments section of the extension allows sorting customer tickets and managing tickets for internal purposes.

Before using the extension, you will need to create at least a single department. This department will be used to store all tickets submitted to the Help Desk until another department is created.

In addition, every help desk department can be assigned to a particular email gateway. The assigned email gateway will be used to send ticket-related notifications and convert all the incoming emails into tickets. 

Departments are created and managed under Customers > Help Desk Ultimate by Aheadworks > Departments.

The page shows a grid with the following columns:

  • Name - the name of the department;
  • Gateway - the email of the department;
  • Is Enabled - a status of the department (yes/no);
  • Is Visible on the Storefront - a status of visibility on the storefront (yes/no);
  • Is Default department - the status of the department as default;
  • Websites - the website the department belongs to on your store.

Admins are able to edit the status of the department individually or in bulk with the help of the Actions  dropbox below the grid.

The name of the department is an active link. You can edit the department by clicking on its name. To create a new department, click the Create New Department button in the top right of the page.

General Department Settings

The Departments Settings page comes in four blocks: General, Storefront Labels, Gateway and Permissions. Let's look into the blocks one after another.

The general section of the department configuration page defines the basic attributes of the department:

  • Name - the name of the Help Desk department (for internal identification purposes);
  • Websites - the website(s) the department should be available at;
  • In Enabled - defines if the department is enabled and can be used by customers and admins;
  • Is Visible on the StoreFront - defines if the department can be used by customers to identify the type of the request or only for the in-store management purposes;
  • Is Default Department - defines if the department can be used by default.

The default department stores all the submitted tickets. Every ticket can be assigned to a department. You can have no departments available at the storefront. However, when a customer submits a ticket, it will be stored within the default department.

Storefront Labels

The 'Storefront Labels' section of the department configuration page allows setting up a name of the department as it should be displayed on the storefront in the submit ticket form. Only a single department name can be assigned per store view.

Email Gateway Settings

The 'Gateway' section of the department configuration page sets up a Help Desk department email gateway. The email gateway can be used to:

  1. Send email notifications and ticket updates to both customers and Help Desk agents;
  2. Collect and insert all the incoming emails into the tickets. Instead of using the contact form, customers can create tickets right from the emails sent to the email gateway.

Basically, an email gateway is an email address used by the extension to receive and send messages. It can be a simple Gmail account or a company email. If you are not sure about your email gateway settings, contact your email provider.

Please make sure you have familiarized yourself with the following tips on the use of gateways: 

  • Use only a dedicated email address for the Help Desk Ultimate gateway. Make sure that the mailbox does not have any messages in the 'Inbox' (main) folder. If the mailbox is not empty, make sure to migrate / archive all the important content. Once configured, the extension will migrate all messages from the email gateway to tickets. Any incoming email will result in a ticket created.
  • To avoid spam, do not use the Help Desk Ultimate gateway for alternative purposes.
  • It is advisable you leave the gateway for the use of the Help Desk Ultimate only, and browse it as frequently as possible, if at time, unless there is a serious need to do so. 
  • Finally, for you to ensure the stable work of the extension we do not recommend employing third-party plugins for the gateway, for example SharedBox or similar. There were reported cases when the above plugins would break conversion of emails into tickets. 

The gateway section comes with the following configuration options:

  • Protocol - allows choice of a protocol: IMAP or POP3;
  • Gateway Host - the address of the host of the gateway;
  • Authorization Type* - the selector of an authorization protocol: Default or Google;
  • Use SSL/TLS - the choice of a security protocol to connect to the email gateway;
  • Port - the port to connect to the email gateway depending on the security protocol selected;
  • Delete Emails from Host - defines if the extension should delete the customer email from which the ticket was converted. Pay close attention to this setting if you have limited email gateway storage.

What port can I indicate for the gateway?

993 for IMAP-SSL, 143 for IMAP-TLS, 110 for POP3 and 995 for POP3-SSL by default. Make sure that the specified port is opened in your server's firewall settings, otherwise, the extension will be unable to connect to the gateway.

* Depending on the choice of the authorization protocol, the Gateway Settings section shows the following fields:

Authorization Type - Default (conventional "login-password" authorization):

  • Gateway Email - the gateway email address that will be used to receive customer tickets;
  • Login - the gateway email login;
  • Password- the email gateway password.

If the Default type of authorization is selected, the Test Connection button at the bottom of the section (see the above image) allows checking the connection to the newly-configured gateway. The Test Connection button is not available if the Google authorization type is chosen.

Authorization Type - Google (OAuth authorization to Google Suite applications):

  • Client ID - the identification number of a client as it was generated  for your gateway app in the Google Developers Console;
  • Client Secret - the number of a client secret as it was generated for your gateway app in the Google Developers Console.

When the Google type of authorization is selected, you can test the connection and verify your Google Account with the Verify Google Account button below the Client Secret field. The button becomes active when the Department is saved. The Verify Google Account button is not available when the Default type of authorization is selected. 

Refer to the official Google user guide to learn more on how to create a Google Client ID and Secret.

The following library should be installed if you want to enable Gateway with Authorization Type = Google

composer require google/apiclient:"^2.0"

Click on the Save button in the top right of the New/Edit Department page to confirm and save the settings. Upon the subsequent cron launch, first emails (if there are any) will be added to tickets.

Permission Settings

The 'Permissions' section of the department settings page matches the roles of the administrator to their actions within a department:

Whatever are the settings you have configured herein, the native Magento administrator role permissions will also stay in operation when it comes to accessing tickets and departments:

  1. To edit the departments and automations, you need to have the required set of permissions in Role Resources;
  2. Role scopes of Magento Enterprise define the visibility of the 'Departments' and 'Tickets' grids;
  3. Mass actions, ticket assignment, and department change work for the tickets you have the right to update.

Learn more on creating and assigning user roles in a Magento 2 store - User Roles / Official Magento 2 Manual.

Adding a Department Selector to the Custom CMS Contact Us Page

In case you are using a custom CMS page as a Contact Us page, you may want to add a Help Desk Ultimate department selector to it.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Create or open the required CMS page

Step 2

In the design tab where the contact form and department selector are added, add the following code:

<referenceContainer name="content">
            <block class="Magento\Contact\Block\ContactForm" name="contactForm" template="Magento_Contact::form.phtml">
                <container name="form.additional.info" label="Form Additional Info"/>
<referenceBlock name="form.additional.info">
            <block class="Aheadworks\Helpdesk\Block\Contact\Form" name="aw_helpdesk_contact_form" template="contact/form.phtml" />

Step 3

Navigate to your Magento installation folder and open the following file: app/code/Aheadworks/Helpdesk/Model/Contact/ContactPlugin

At line 164, change:




Managing Quick Responses

The Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 2 enables agents with canned responses, that is prearranged replies to some generic ticket issues. To reach the functionality proceed to Customers > Help Desk Ultimate by Aheadworks > Quick Responses. 

Quick Responses Grid

The Quick Responses page features a grid with the following columns:

  • ID - the identification number of the response;
  • Title - the name of the response (occasion for use);
  • Status - the status of the response (enabled/disabled);
  • Created / Modified - the dates of creation / last modification of the response;
  • Action - the Select active list to allow editing or deleting the response.

Admins can edit the statuses of the responses individually or in bulk with the help of the Actions dropbox above the grid.

To edit the response click the Select link in the corresponding row, to start a new response click on the Add Quick Response button in the top right of the page.

Create/Edit Quick Response

The Create/Edit Quick Response page comes in two blocks. One of those suggests to enable (or disable) the response and come up with a meaningful name for it. The other presents a text field to enter the text of the response.

Once done, click Save in the top right or Save and Continue Edit to return to composing the response without page reload.

Managing Tickets

Tickets Grid

In the backend, the extension adds a new section under Customers > Help Desk Ultimate by Aheadworks. To manage tickets, navigate to the 'Tickets' page.

From the ticket page, you can leave replies to tickets, change their priority, assign them to another Help Desk agent/department, or change ticket statuses.

The 'Tickets' grid contains all the ticket-related information, including the link to the customer account, the link to the order associated with the ticket, the name of the responsible agent.

Replying to Tickets

When clicking on a ticket subject in the Tickets Grid, you are redirected to the Ticket Details page:

The Ticket Details page is composed of two functional sections.

The ticket information block on the left contains all the ticket -, customer -, and order-related information. From the ticket message area on the right, you can reply to customer messages, leave internal notes, and update ticket status.

On Magento 2.3.0 with PHP 7.2 installed, files cannot be uploaded to the newly created tickets in the admin area. This relates to a bug in the Magento 2.3.0 version. To fix this, apply the following patch: https://github.com/magento/magento2/pull/19249

The problem is solved in Magento 2.3.1.

We improved email communication processes as of Help Desk Ultimate 1.4.0
To avoid endless sheets of tickets and replies we added the marker 'Please type your reply above this line'. All the ticket lines below the marker will get cut and will not be displayed in the thread. Correspondence removal is triggered when the marker below is found in the mail body:


Ticket Information Block

As it was mentioned earlier, the ticket information block helps see all ticket, customer, and order-related information.

The block consists of four tabs, each representing a corresponding portion of the information available for the Help Desk agent's convenience.

General Section

The 'General' section represents the information related to the currently opened ticket. Additionally, you can adjust some attributes here:

  • Current ticket status - the state of the ticket: open, pending, or solved;
  • Priority - ticket priority: low, normal, or high;
  • Department - the department the ticket belongs to;
  • CC Recipients - the CC recipients that will receive all the messages and updates related to the ticket;
  • External Link - a link for sharing the ticket thread with a third party;
  • Order Number/Status/Date - associated order information;
  • Customer Group - the group the customer belongs to.

The customer info section contains the information on the customer, including name, email, group, and date registered.

The 'Tickets' section lists all the tickets submitted by the customer.

The 'Purchases' section contains the following:

  • Total purchases amount;
  • Total orders;
  • Total items;
  • List of the products purchased per order.

Ticket Message Area

The ticket message area is where you are suggested to reply to customer tickets. The area features the name of the ticket issue (alterable), the text field for a reply and a thread of the correspondence under the ticket issue.

There are two types of Help Desk messages you can leave: replies and internal notes.

A reply suggests that the submitted message will be sent to the customer. The reply is enabled by default and activated by the Reply button. An internal note suggests that the message submitted will be available for the Help Desk agents only and will not be visible to the customer. The Internal Note message type can be enabled by clicking on the corresponding button.

Next to the Internal Note button you may find the dropbox with canned responses. All canned responses created on the Quick Responses Page will appear on the list herein. When picking up a response, its text will appear in the text field below. 

To submit the message either as a reply or internal note, click 'Submit As Pending'. Furthermore, you can save the reply opting for the following alternatives: Save as OpenSolved, without actually sending the message.

Unsupported special characters or hieroglyphs in the names of email attachments will get erased from the name. If the whole name is made of such characters it will be substituted to "file". 


Automations are a set of adjustable Help Desk conditions that help automate routine ticket management operations, including ticket status change, email notifications, and ticket updates.

Upon a certain event based on the conditions set, automation executes the set action on cron launch. Automation settings can be found under Customers > Help Desk Ultimate by Aheadworks > Automations.

Automations Grid

After the extension is installed, the Automations grid will list the set of eight rules. These rules are build against a ticketing event and define automatic emailing of notifications upon reaching a certain event. This helps highlight the tickets that need a reply and follow up customers once the issue has been reported.

The grid shows data within the following columns:

  • ID - the identification number of the automation;
  • Status - the status of the automation (Active / Inactive);
  • Name - (active link) the name of the automation of reply;
  • Event - the trigger event for the automatic reply;
  • Priority - a numeric value setting the sequence of the automatic replies;

Automation rules work in compliance with the following pattern:

1) Cron launches an automation rule and triggers an event;

2) The extension checks if any of the tickets match the conditions of the event;

a) If the conditions of the event are met, the extension launches an automatic action;

b) If the conditions of the event are not met, the extension stops executing the automation rule until the next cron launch.

3) The extension stops executing the rule until the next cron launch

To edit the existing automation, click on the name of thereof in the grid. To create an automation rule, click the Create New Automation button.

Create New Automation

The Create New Automation pages comes in three blocks: General, Conditions and Actions.

In the first section of the page, you are suggested to select an event that will trigger the automatic reply to a ticket.

The event defines when the automation rule should be triggered. The extension provides six options:

  • New ticket from customer - when a customer submits a new ticket;
  • New ticket from agent - when an agent creates a ticket for a customer;
  • New reply from customer - when the customer replies to the ticket;
  • New reply from agent - when the agent replies to a ticket;
  • Ticket was assigned to another agent - when the ticket is assigned to another agent;
  • Recurring Task - a recurring task that will be executed by the extension upon every cron launch.

'Recurring Task' differs from other events by its functionality. This event serves as a reminder. For example, if the ticket has not been replied for more than 24 hours, 'Recurring Task' can increase the ticket priority and send an email notification to the responsible Help Desk agent.

In the 'Conditions' section, you are suggested to specify when the event should be triggered.

Each event comes with a dedicated set of conditions. Most of the conditions are ticket-related. However, some of them are customer-oriented and target particular customer groups.

The conditions are similar to those of Magento product attributes and follow the same pattern:

If CONDITION is equals/greater/is/isn't value then...

In the 'Actions' section, you are suggested to specify which actions should be taken upon meeting the specified condition(s).

The actions include sending email notifications to both the customer and Help Desk agent, ticket status and priority change, and assigning the ticket to a particular Help Desk agent.

When done setting up the actions, click 'Save'. The automation rule is good to go.

Note, the automation to reopen a solved ticket will not work when a customer updated the ticket via email. Instead, the extension will create a new ticket with a reference to the previous one.

Uninstalling M2 Help Desk Ultimate

Manual Removal

1. Disable the module by executing the following commands:

php bin/magento module:disable Aheadworks_Helpdesk
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

2. Remove the extension files from the following folder:


Automatic Removal (via Composer)

1. Disable the module by executing the following commands:

php bin/magento module:uninstall Aheadworks_Helpdesk

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Copyright © 2021 Aheadworks Co. http://www.aheadworks.com

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